Welcome to Dr. Drecun's Blog

As a psychologist, I am dedicated to empowering individuals, enriching lives, promoting personal growth and development. The intention of my blog is to provide individuals with valuable information that will assist in achieving a productive life, a meaningful existence and realizing one’s highest potential. I hope my blog will serve as a catalyst that fosters personal , relational, occupational and/or spiritual growth.

Friday, June 26, 2009

June 27 National HIV Testing Day

In 1995, the National Association of People with Aids started National HIV Testing Day. Every year on June 27, organizations around the nation participate in this event to promote early diagnosis and HIV testing. The Centers of Disease Control estimate that 250,000 of the one million individuals who are infected with HIV in the United States are unaware that they are HIV seropositive. Not being aware of one's infection is problematic. Individuals who do not know that they are infected are not receiving the treatment they need regardless of whether they are experiencing symptoms of HIV or not and are more likely to infect others. Obstacles to attaining treatment are access to care and the social stigma that surrounds HIV and AIDS. Earlier diagnosis provides earlier treatment which can affect the progression of the disease. It is hoped that individuals will get tested, receive treatment and as a society we will ameliorate the social stigma surrounding HIV. For more information, please contact Dr. Drecun at Dr.Drecun@a4ct.com.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Attaining Financial Independence During Economic Tribulation

Economic affliction is increasing individuals and families distress. Individuals and families are affected by layoffs, decreases in work hours and pay. The uncertainty during such times is affecting individuals and families negatively. The pressure to pay one's bills and maintain one's responsibilities are causing emotional turmoil and conflict within families. Financial problems are one of the top three reasons couples argue. One's standard of living may be compromised and adapting to such a change is critical. Such a time requires that responsibilities are re-prioritized, that money is better managed and creative thinking and problem-solving is implemented. This economic situation can be reframed into an opportunity where one can be challenged to make important life changes. Humans are known to become complacent and comfortable in situations that may not be the most growth provoking. However, this economic climate can offer individuals the opportunity to rediscover one's passion in terms of an occupation. According to the Department of Labor, the average American changes their career 3 - 5 times within their lifetime. A hurting economy can serve as a catalyst to reconsider one's career and options that are available. A new career may assist one in attaining a greater sense of security during this economic crisis. Career guidance is a process that identifies career interests and expands career options with the intent of identifying a fulfilling career that will help attain and sustain one's financial independence. For more information, please contact Dr. Drecun at Dr.Drecun@a4ct.com or (858) 792-3541.

Friday, June 12, 2009

National Men's Health Week

Unfortunately, most health-related intervention has solely targeted women due to the fact that women are most often those who seek health care intervention and treatment. It is hoped that strategies will be implemented to target men and assist them in focusing on their health. The objective is to re-educate boys and men that their wellness is critical. As a result, Men's Health Week was created to raise awareness of preventable health concerns and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among boys and men. An individual's health influences the entire family. Knowing the impact that the health of one family member has on others, suggests that health is a family concern. National Men's Health Week hopes to motivate boys and men to seek regular medical advice and lead healthy lifestyles. For more information, please contact Dr. Drecun at Dr.Drecun@a4ct.com or visit us at our website at www.a4ct.com

Friday, June 5, 2009

National Cancer Survivors Day June 7

National Cancer Survivor's Day is the largest cancer survivor event in the world. This year will be the twenty-second annual observance which celebrates life worldwide. The intention is to demonstrate that life after a cancer diagnosis can be productive and meaningful. It is hoped that individuals diagnosed with cancer will realize that surviving cancer is greatly influenced by a positive attitude and enjoying every present moment. Dealing with cancer requires strength and courage and the assistance of family, friends and health care professionals. It is estimated by the National Cancer Survivor Day Foundation that approximately 12 million Americans are now living with and beyond a diagnosis of cancer. Raising awareness about cancer is critical, because many forms of cancer can be prevented and cured if detected early. Treating cancer has improved greatly, resulting in longer survival. Nevertheless, physical, emotional and financial difficulties can result from this disease. Accessing cancer specialists and treatment can be a challenge. It is hoped that raising awareness will help improve the quality of life for cancer survivors. For more information, please contact Dr. Drecun at Dr.Drecun@a4ct.com.